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Parade Of 1932

Five Divisions to March in Greenpoint
In Honor of Heroes on Memorial Day
Exercises After March Will
Take Place in Winthrop Park.


Probably the largest Memorial Day parade ever, will take place In Greenpoint on Monday when five divisions of veterans organizations, civic clubs and others will march through the district and then join in memorial services in Winthrop Park.


Led by a police escort, military and civilian bands, the parade will form at 2:30 o’clock Decoration Day afternoon and march through many streets of Greenpoint, to Nulty Square and thence to Winthrop Park where the dead heroes of America’s wars will be eulogized.


Heading the parade will be the three chairmen of the Allied Veterans of Greenpoint, the triple organization that is sponsoring the 1932 Memorial Day exercises. The three marshals are, John McAuliffe, commander of T. R. Nulty Post, V. F. W.; Peter Plata, of Greenpoint Post, American Legion, and Valentine A. Podwojski, of George Washington Post, 3, Polish Legion, U. S. Army.


After the police escort and the marshals, will come the following:


First Division: T. R. Nulty Post, V. F. W., led by the V. F. W. band, commanded by Anthony Totaro; Greenpoint People’s Democratic Organization, Fifteenth Assembly District and Ladles’ Organization, Peter J. McGuiness and Margaret A. O’Connor, executive members: St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Society.


Second Division: Greenpoint Post, American Legion, led by the Kings County Drum Corps and commanded by Post Commander Joseph Kuhl; Greenpoint Women’s Memorial Association; James P. Goodman Democratic Organization and Ladles’ Auxiliary, James P. Goodman and Julia V. Conlon, executive members; St. Stanislaus Society, Polish Roman Catholic Alliance.


Third Division: George Washington Post, Polish Legion, led by V. F. W. band and commanded by Benny Rudzski, post commander; Ladies’ Auxiliary Polish Legion, Mrs. S. Bagley, president; Polish Army Veterans; St. Stanislaus Society, Polish Union, A. Umowski, president; St. John’s Society, P. R. C. Alliance; Freedom of Kosciuszko Society, S. Malachowskl Society, P. N. Alliance.


Fourth Division: St. Alphonsus Boys Brigade led by St. Alphonsus Fife and Drum Corps; Allied Societies of St. Alphonsus Church.



Fifth Division: St. Stanislaus Church Boys’ Brigade from Manhattan, led by their music and followed by all other organizations, which will take part In the parade but as yet have not reported to the committee.


The first division will form on Dupont Street, west of Manhattan Avenue. The second, on Dupont Street, west of Franklin Street. The third, on Eagle Street, west of Manhattan Avenue. The fourth, on Eagle street, west of Franklin Street, and the fifth, on Freeman Street, west of Manhattan Avenue.


The line of March will be from Dupont, Eagle, and Freeman streets, through Manhattan Avenue to Norman avenue, through Lorimer street, through Bedford avenue and North Twelfth street to Nulty Square; from Nulty Square, through Drlggs avenue to Humboldt street, to Fidelity Square, then through Monitor street to Winthrop Park for celebration.


The starting time of the parade at 2:30 p. m. sharp.


A colorful program has been arranged for the ceremonies In the park. Past County Commander James H. Johnson will act In the role of master of ceremonies, assisted by King and Wnukowski as reception committee.


The following have promised to appear:


Peter J. McGuinness, Walter H Farrar, Edward P. Doyle, George W. Lindsay, John MacCrate, William Bogenshutz, Charles J. Carroll, Jere F. Twomey, County Commander Francis P. Dunphy of the American Legion; County Commander Louis Hoffman, V. F. W.; Department Commander William Geda, Polish Legion; Past National Commander Benjamin T. Anuskewicz, Polish Legion; Ray F. Skowronski. John Smolensk!, Val A. Podwojski, Richard Wright, Captain Edward C o r s 1, Major Rydzanek, and many other personages In veteran and civil circles.


The invocation at the park will be given by the Rev. Dr. Benney Benson, chaplain of Greenpoint Post, A. L the benediction by the Rev. Father S. Mazurkiewicz, pastor of St, Stanislaus’ Church, and Rabbi Manheim, will end up the religious part of the celebration.


A vocal trio from St. Alphonsus Church will open the park ceremonies with singing the Star Spangled Banner, assisted by the V. F. W. band. A firing squad from the Polish Legion will give the last salute to the memory of all veterans to the accompaniment of taps. In case of rainy weather, the parade will take place as scheduled, but the ceremonies instead of being held in the park will be held in the auditorium of the P. S. on Monitor Street and Drlggs avenue, as planned.  The contributions to defray expenses of the Memorial Day parade and celebration that have been received by the Allied Veterans, amount to $328.48 at the present time, the committee announces. The following contributions have been received this week:


D. & Z. Bottling Corp. $ 5.00

Engine Company, No. 215, N. T. Fire Department $7.00

Duke McCann $2.00

Published to date $314.18

Total to date $328.48